Sunday 14 June 2015

What this is all about - the welfare of patients

So whats this about?
General practice in Scotland, especially rural general practices are under real threat.
It's a crisis that is here and now.
Patients are suffering as they can't so easily access GP services in or out of hours as a result of losses of GPs due to retirement, not enough being trained, loss of GPs abroad, amalgamation of practices, GP burnout, change of contracts, lack of investment in primary care.
We need our Health Boards and the Scottish Government to truly support primary care which does 90% of the NHS workload for less than 8% of the budget.
We need Health Boards to invest in their small GP surgeries which often provide extra value, such as dispensing of medicines, emergency and palliative care and covering their own out of hours, instead of thinking they have no future, and threatening to close them, amalgamate them, taking away dispensing or put in nurses instead when doctors leave or retire.
Our small GP surgeries in the highlands and islands were the forerunner and the blueprint for the NHS as conceived by Dewar 100 years ago.
GP surgeries from Bannockburn and Buchlvie to Bixter have served us well, and we should do everything we can to ensure that they are still there serving their patients.
We need to put patients first.
We need your support.
We need you to lobby your MSPs.
We need you to like and share our Facebook page to let them know we mean business
We need you to talk to your Health Boards and remind them who they serve...their patients.